Now, I haven't written a blog post in about two years, give or take some; but I have to say, reading through my old posts, I think it was probably for the best. However, I have gotten the urge to write again, as you can no doubt tell. Probably has to do with the coffee house atmosphere, the collared sweater, and the, frankly, quite hipster music I've taken to listening to. Not that any of these things are negative factors, quite the opposite; I feel more comfortable than I have in a long time. I don't know if anyone uses this site anymore, the last post I have in my feed is a post from six months ago that isn't even truly there anymore. So, I do not know how many people this will reach, but I guess that's okay. I'm not necessarily looking for attention, not that it wouldn't be enjoyable.
Let's begin with a summary of what I've done in the past two years or so: I became a senior at the Indiana Academy for Science, Mathematics, and Humanities. Quite a long name, isn't it? A little pompous too, now that I think about it. But, no matter, it was a blast attending that school. I may not talk to any of my friends from there very often, but they are the sort of friends that you don't need to keep in touch with; you can meet up with them at any point, and you know you can start right from where you left off. It is a comforting feeling knowing I have such amazing friends scattered around Indiana, and even out of state. Over the course of last year, I made good friends with some juniors, and I will always have a special place for them in my heart. We had an incredible relationship, in that sometimes they would take care of me when I needed them, and I like to think I took care of them when they needed it.
During the course of that year, I played copious amounts of League of Legends; it had quite taken over my life. This was not something I am very proud of, even more so because I have come to realize that, despite how much I've played, I'm not very good at all. Surely I have improved, else I would not win the occasional games I do, but I certainly am not on the same level as some of my friends. Nowadays I don't play nearly as often as I used to, perhaps two or three times a week. I believe this fact has contributed greatly to my current success in college.
Oh yes, did I forget to mention? I graduated high school last academic year. Quite a big event, lots of pictures, lots of crying, lots of goodbyes. I managed to hold it together for the whole thing, but thought the emotion would hit me later. Strangely, it has not. I do not have an explanation for why this is, but I've come to accept it. Perhaps it is better in the long run not to have cried at graduation. As much as I know that holding in emotions can be harmful, I think this is for the better. After all, it's not as though I've left the Academy behind completely; I have managed to visit once this year. I had quite a lot of fun hanging out with friends from my class, and all my juniors (now turned juniors). It amazed me just how much they had grown up while I had been gone. They were the same wonderful people I had come to love, and yet they were different at the same time. It was quite the experience.
And now I am back in Fort Wayne. It was a crazy summer. Full of visits from my doppelganger, Nimagist, which were great fun. We have great fun joining Dogmeat on the Fields of Justice. Once or twice I believe we even got Whimmish and Clangore to join us. When this happened, we ruled the Fields. It was an exciting time for all. After these conquerings, we were graced by the company of The Muse, Messy, and The Settler. And there was much rejoicing. This was the majority of my summer, and while I did not get a job during that time, I would not have it any other way.
After the summer ended, I entered in IPFW as a dual major in Physics and Mathematics. Thankfully, I had amassed quite a few college credits during my time at the Academy. I was able to enter college as a Sophomore, almost a Junior. In fact, at the end of this semester, I will be considered a Junior, thanks to the credit load I have taken. I am taking 16 credit hours this semester, and will be adding one more this coming semester. My father seems concerned that I will find it too challenging to cope with the work load, and his worries are not unfounded. However, I do chafe under his concerns. I wish he would give me a chance. I know that I have failed him in the past, and not too long ago either. Even so, I wish that he could see just how well I recovered from that failure. Very quickly did I take responsibility, and I did not hesitate in getting help. But I am babbling. The basic point is, next semester will be challenging. I am starting my first real physics course with Intro to Mechanics, and I have a small class on particle physics, and I'm also taking two math classes. It will be interesting.
And the final thing I feel I should talk about: my recent job interview. Yesterday, I went into the Starbucks where Dogmeat and my Grand-senior work to meet with the Manager for an interview. Naturally, I was dressed in my best suit. The fact that this was my only suit is irrelevant, it was my best, and I was wearing it. I started by ordering a Venti Caramel Macchiatto with and extra shot of espresso. I believe this was the right choice, as the manager make an excited noise when I told what I had ordered. The interview then commenced. She asked me standard questions, I answered honestly, but I didn't feel awkward more than once because many of my answer were very cliche. In the end though, I think everything went well. She departed with a smile on her face and told me she would make a decision by the end of the week.
And thus is my life to this point. Right now I am sitting in Starbucks while Clangore works, putting off homework, and listening to good music. I must say that, however hard it has been to get to this point, it has been more than worth it. I will not lie and say I would leave things exactly the way they are had I the choice, but I can honestly say that I am happy and content with where I am. And to you, reader, who has managed to get through this swamp of information; I commend you. I am not easy person to deal with sometimes, and it seems to me that anyone willing to take the time out of their busy life to read this is one of the people that has stuck by me through thick and thin, and I greatly appreciate it. So, thank you. I shouldn't think I'll be blogging again anytime soon, but know that I have not forgotten about my blog, merely put it on hold.
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